Cycle Time Efficiency
Designed to highlight opportunities you didn’t know existed.
Imagine Google Traffic
for your mine
Cycle Time Efficiency (CTE) allows you to see areas of congestion, underperforming trucks, and the impact of light and ancillary vehicles on the production cycle. Our AI can rationalise and generate decision information on how to best reduce variability.
This information enables mining supervisors to make prompt production decisions, decreasing cycle time, truck queue, excavator hang time and ultimately enabling an operation to move more material at a lower cost.

Humanising the data
Get cycle variability information in a language that the mining supervisor can understand.
By highlighting variability through real-time visuals, CTE presents insight on the causes and impacts of problem areas in your mining operation to prompt production decisions.
Traditional fleet management systems use legacy technologies which lack speed, mobility and human translation of what this data means.

Real-time visibility
Supervisor access to real-time operational performance data has been largely forgotten by competitors.
CTE provides the means to solve problems before they can have an impact on production by reducing the lead time for identification and resolution – from hours of potential lost production to within 30 mins.
This enables supervisors to focus on applying their experience to improve production outcomes and identify focus areas to drive positive culture change.

Developed in the cloud not in the 90’s
The innovation of CTE lies in the data-crunching, analytical engines and AI backend.
Our cutting-edge technology stack built with an Elixir backend (used by Facebook, WhatsApp, Pinterest, Bet365, WeChat, Klarna) and VueJS frontend (used by Google, Facebook, Netflix, Apple) allows serverless deployments utilising cloud technology. As a result, we can provide a highly scalable solution that is capable of processing large amounts of data in parallel and allows us to run our proprietary AI engines.
Cycle Time Efficiency unlocks the next layer of opportunity for the technologically mature miner.
How does it work?
Current performance is compared to short-term historical performance, in real-time.
What hardware is required?
A GPS tracker, or GPS data if you already have GPS tracking.
Do I need a Fleet Management System?
No, while CTE complements any Fleet Management System (especially FleetControl), it works independently using GPS trackers.